Baby Boomer Advisor Club was set up to be a fun place that is full of useful information and tips for our 50+ friends (and younger friends too). The site will grow so check in with us from time to time.

The internet is exploding now and more and more baby boomers are coming online to find answers to questions about health, money, travel, and more. We will help you search the net and bring you information that is fun and helpful.

We will also invite guest authors to share their knowledge and will let you know about our special BBAC teleconferences. So, bookmark this page so you won’t forget about us and come back to visit soon.


“Baby Boomer Queen”

P.S./Do you have something to share or a question to ask, let me know!

Boomers – Tidbits & News

“Every 7 Seconds someone in America turns 50.

50+ age group:

* Is the fastest growing population segment.

* Is the most affluent consumer group that exists.

* Account for over 40% of total consumer demand.

* Average $24,000 in annual disposable income.

* Control over 48% of all discretionary purchases that occur.

* Own over 80% of all money in savings accounts.

* Own 79% of America’s financial assets.

* Spend almost $2 Trillion on goods & services each year.”

Source: Gary Onks
– SoldOnSeniors, Inc.

22 Responses to “Hello World…”

  1. Maggie May Says:

    Sharon so good to talk to you today about the saris.
    If you ever uncover that box in storage I would love to know. 859-997-0088,
    I hold a vision of properity and joy for you

  2. Thank you Maggie May…

    If friends where riches,
    I would be the richest person in Florida!

    Smiles and world peace,
    ~The Baby Boomer Queen~
    or as you know me
    ~The Twisted Sister~

  3. fairlane Says:

    I like it. You’re almost as freaky as I am. Interested in exchanging links?

  4. Phyllis Says:

    So Sharon….is this a blog? and is it yours???
    (: (:

  5. Paige Says:

    Whew hoo! Well twisted we are just a step away from ALL God has for us.
    Thanks for your humble assistance in assisting me creating my brand.
    luv ya

  6. Hello Paige…

    I hope you enjoy: as much as I enjoy my blog!
    Make it your corner of the world, as you are a very special person!

    You are a CHAMPION…

    Keep those prayers coming for me!!!

    Wild Toad rides, smiles and love,
    ~The Baby Boomer Queen~

  7. petunia Says:


    Can you email me please



  8. Sharon Says:

    Just stumbled across your site & wanted to say hello! Seems like we have two things in common….our name, Sharon & we both love pets!
    I have recently launched a new site for baby boomers and would like to share it with everyone. Thanks!

  9. babyboomerqueen,

    I am requesting the honor of your presence on my Baby Boomer Diva Web of Fame. Please contact me: In the meantime, go to: and see where your picture will be placed.

  10. Allan Says:

    Love this page love the stats and love being 60…

  11. sharon Says:

    Hello Allan

    I visited your site…

    Thanks for sharing.

    aKeep up the good work.
    ~The Baby Boomer Queen~

  12. Gina Baker Says:

    The Boomers Show in Las Vegas, October 6 & out with Richard Simmons…actor envirnonmentalist Ed Begley Jr.’s Begley’s Best products, free health screenings, prizes, giveaways…lots of good stuff!
    Because 50 is the new 30 and baby boomers are not getting older…they are revitalizing and reinventing retirement.
    Check out for complimentary tickets……Finally,a show that’s all about and all for the generation that changed the world!

  13. I still got a buch of seconds before I turn 50. Yet it will be here in the blink of an eye I fear

  14. Diane Says:

    site looks nice now!

  15. Lisa Roe Says:

    Dear Sharon,

    Love your blog! I have a book that I think you will love to read and review on it. It is the perfect boomer topic. If you’ve ever dreamed of packing it all up and setting out on the wide open road, then this book is for you! LIVE YOUR ROAD TRIP DREAM: Travel for a year for the cost of staying home, is the perfect catalyst to aid wanna be travelers in fulfilling that dream. This book is a practical, comprehensive, inspirational guide that tells exactly how to do it! It comes complete with The Ultimate Road Trip Planner – budget worksheets, supply lists, vehicle selection guides, route planning ideas, problem solving techniques to allow your “get-away”, and more…

    I would be happy to provide you with the full book description. If you are interested in receiving a copy for review on your blog, or would like to interview the authors, please let me know!

    All Best,

    Lisa Roe
    Online Publicist

  16. Enlargement Says:

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  17. Michael Tim Says:

    I love your site!

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  18. Lula Says:

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    I’ve lost weight, have more energy, can concentrate much better, etc.


  19. Lula Says:

    It has been a while since my last post. Since then I have burned 22 lbs of fat simply by changing the coffee I drink to BSkinny Coffee. Our patented BSkinny product line is based on human clinical trials, not animal trials. All of our products are safe for diabetics. If you have questions, please contact me at my site. My phone number is on my website’s landing page. Our products give you THE POWER TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

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